Fiesta 101
Knowing how to participate in the Running of the Bulls is a vital step toward a successful, once-in-a-lifetime trip; however, getting the travel logistics right is a surprisingly complex factor that many first-time fiesta goers underestimate. Finding a balcony spot for the run, planning to watch the opening ceremonies, choosing which of the 400+ events to participate in, are some of the items that boggle travelers’ minds – and that’s before planning the practical aspects of your stay.
Put it this way, if you are comfortable sleeping on a camp ground, using public restrooms and washing in the city fountains then you have nothing to worry about. If you would like to be close to the fiesta and enjoy some degree of comfort, then you must plan ahead.
This course will help you decide what activities to plan for, how to reserve and how to secure lodging, meals and other things that are important to you.